Tutorial Japanese


nota is a simple easy notepad.

You can download a free application that converts to nota data from the data of the Jotter and notePad.

Data converter 2

created: Jan 2012 released: Jan 2010 Copyright: © 2006 - 2012 viva Cocoa. All rights reserved.

iPhone version launch

April 21. ". nota" (dot-nota) has been released. dot-nota is iPhone version of the nota. Is being sold in the App Store.

New features

Added Languages

Added French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Font setting

Default font is "Helvetica Regular 12". However you can change the default font Right-click on the window.

Choose the "Helvetica bold 24" in the Font panel.

Lock function

Unlocked Status
First device can read and write.
Locked Status
Next deviece can read, but can not write.
The left is read - write status.
The right is readonly status.

This state will change every 5 minutes. If use one device in the same time. Keep unlocked status.
This feature can prevent the difference between the version. Also if you forget to exit the nota of Mac in your house, help to use the nota of MacBook in outside.
If you like to unlock, select "Unlock" in "File" menu.

Save as user defaults

The currently viewed page and changed font are saved as the defaults for the user. And the next will start in that state.

Added Cool size.

Choose the most recent data

nota checks whether new data has existed in iCloud when you start. If exists new data, will displayed "iCloud" to the"Search Field". If the data is not new data, will displayed [~ Home folder].
If you believe to exist new data. Please restart the nota, until displayed "iCloud". Please do not the other operations. You may become not able to download the latest data. Please be careful.

Also in rare case, you may lost the most recent data by network conditions.

Other Features

  • All save has become Auto-Saving. Data are saved in your Mac's hard disk or iCloud.
  • The nota text data has become in plain text. This is prepare for when sharing data with iPhone / iPad via iCloud in the future.
  • The nota default font setting is "Helvetica Regular 12" in English. "Hiragino Kakugo W3 12" in Japanese. And these Color are black.
  • Each note will be written the last edited date automatically.
  • You can search from all the notes data.
  • Do not implement preferences panel and Format menu. Also have discontinued the toolbar. To simple.


■ First launch

When first launch, "Welcome" panel appears. Click "OK" button. prepares a first note like you can type quickly.

Let try to write to "To tomorrow".。If write and delete text are saved automatically.
The first line of the note becomes to the title of the window.

■ send email

If you clicked "@" button. You can send the text of the note.

■ Adding a note

Next, let's add a note. "+" button is clicked, the new note will be provided. The new note is added to the beginning of every notes.

■ Smart Link

nota has no Smart Link. Because it use plain text. However the Mac OS X supports it.
 Let make a list of bank accounts. I recomend this account list. It is useful. If you right-click on a URL string, "Open URL" menu will appear. And you will click it. Safari starts and you can see page of URL. If the string is email address. Mail starts and create a new mail.

■ Window Size

Maximum window size

Standard Window size

Minimum Window size

Move to center

■ To select a note 1

To select a note click "◀" button or "▶" button. "◀" button move to a previous note. "▶" button move to a next note.。

■ To select a note 2

"List" button is clicked, the screen changes to display the document list.

When you click a list that you want to see, returns to that document screen. This list can reorder by dragging.

To return to the document screen without selecting a specific note, click "document" button.

■ Finding Notes

If you want to search for the note, press the Return key after entering a search string into the search field. In this example, "flower" and try typing.
Not only the title, Full text search has been.

If there are multiple search results, click "Search result" button, to returns to the search results screen from the document screen.

■ Removing note

"To tomorrow" will be no longer needed. Let remove it.If click "−" button , appears alert sheet.

  • If you want to delete a note, click "Delete" button.
  • If you want to cancel delete, click "Cancel" button.

■ To terminate nota

To terminate the nota There are three ways.

  • Select to "Quit nota" in "nota" menu. Or press to [command + Q] keys.
  • Select to "Close" in "File" menu. Or press to [command + W] keys.
  • Please click the close button in the window.


Was easy, this concludes the description of the nota. I think we can use color and ingenuity. Please enjoy the nota.

Copyright 2006 - 2012 viva Cocoa. All Rights Reserved.